Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Current faves!

This month is all about love, and on Valentine's day, I was single, as usual. Now, I'm fine with being single, but some people aren't, and with all this love going round, you gotta find a distraction or something to take your mind off of things, cos we all deserve to feel loved. 
My best friend Natalie, did an awesome post on how to love yourself this Valentine's day so go check it out!
Anyways, here are my current faves.
I'm not really one to have favourites, I like almost everything, and well if I do have a favourite, it has to be AMAZING, cos I'll go on about it for weeks, and sometimes even months.
Kay so recently, my friend has been OBSESSING over friends! Last week I watched an episode to see what the hype was all about, and I'm totally hooked! Now don't get me wrong, TV's great and all, but recently, before I found friends, I hadn't been watching much. TV is just too boring nowadays, in my opinion, but hey, if you have any good shows, write it in the comments and I'll check it out.
Now, every night I snuggle up with a blanket and some hot chocolate, hide the remote and watch 8 episodes of friends! I think my fav character has to be... Well, I have 3, Chandler cos he's so damn funny, Joey and Phoebe, cos their stupidity and clueless-ness reminds me of... Me.
I could write a long list of ALL of my fav songs here, but I won't, it would be too long, and well I'm just to lazy.
This year I've really been into T-swift and Ed Sheeran, they are AMAZING! My fav T-swizzle song this month has to be Style but I also love Blank Space, I just love love LOVE all the love! And Eddie! My fav song is Thinking out loud, Don't and SING! And recently I've really been loving Jar of Hearts - Christina Perry. And yes, I know that song's older than my mom (not really), but its soooooo good! Oooh, and Hanging tree - Jenifer Lawrence (the hunger games Mockingjay part 1), she's such a good singer!. With music, my faves are always changing, cos there are sooooo many good songs out there!
In case you hadn't already noticed, I am OBSSESSED over THE HUNGER GAMES! I love love LOVE the hunger games, hence my name Everspark (everlark is the official ship name for Katniss EVERDEEN and Peeta MELLARK for all you people who have no clue). This month, my fav film is yet again THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY PART 1. I first watched it back in December on Christmas eve, and had been hyping about it since THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE,my all time fav film ever, came out, and it was AMAZING! Jenifer Lawrence (Katniss) is an amazing actress! The only thing I'm really annoyed at is that Josh (Peeta) got hardly any screen time! I mean, he's a main character and he only got 5 minutes screen time! There were rarely any scenes I could actually fan girl over. It was all about Gale and Katniss, but Everthorne is just not meant to be, my friends.
This is my first post, so I really hope you liked it.
Luv ya guys!
Everspark XXX
And may the odds be EVER in your favor!


  1. Eek! I love it chummy!! :) xx

  2. Thnx Chums!!! Glad you liked it! I'm super excited for the 30 day hunger games challenge! Yaay!

  3. Heyy gurl! Love the post, so interesting and I can totally relate about the valentine day singles thing, don't worry your not the only one!!
    Abbie xx

  4. Love this!! Ohhhoo my goodness I have soo many TV recommendations for you! Do ya want drama or comedy ones? also have you never seen FRIENDS before?? that show is one of my all-time favorites fo suree,andd yes you have amazing music taste!! xoxox

  5. Drama or comedy, I don't mind... I'm addicted to SOOOOOO MANY GOOD T.V: SERIES ATM, but I'd love to know more! Thanks for commenting!

    Everspark xxx


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