Thursday, 30 April 2015

April faves

Hey guys! Hasn't this month just FLOWN by?! Summer is NEARLY HERE! can I get a WHOOP WHOOP?! April has just been a blur but here are some things I've been LOVING this month:

1. Good Mythical Morning
Okay so I am IN LOVE with this show rn. I watch it every morning, evening, night, day whenever and wherever I can. Okay so imma start off by saying that Rhett and Link are just AMAZING! I mean they've been best friends since first grade and now have made a business together? I mean wut? That's just CRAZY! Also its just so random, you never know what the next episode is going to be about. I'm trying to go back to season 1 and try to catch up to now, but it's IMPOSSIBLE! They've made around 940 VIDEOS! 940! Honestly it is AMAZING so go watch it! This may just be one of my monthly phases or I've just found our about THE BEST THING EVER and I'm proud to say that I'm ADDICTED! 

2. The weather
Okay early in April everything was wet and cold, April showers and whatever but mid-April, the weather was... AMAZING! It was sooooo hot and dry,which is Hella rare in England, I mean usually we only have a heatwave that lasts less than a week, and then you can kiss summer goodbye. But I mean now? Summers already begun! We can actually have water fights and have ice cream and SUMMER! YAAY! I am so close to randomly breaking out into song. #highschoolmusical2. 

3. Avengers age of Ultron
So as you know, I'm a comic book nerd, so I just HAD to watch this film. Okay, it was AMAZING! Like just wow. Okay I love J-Law, but I've developed another woman crush... Drum roll please... SCARLETT JOHANSSON! SHE'S JUST SO FUNNY AND COOL AND THE ONLY WOMAN AVENGERS ATM AND WOW. I mean, she's almost as awesome as Katniss! I don't know if her character was just written like that in the script but she's such a great actress! The cast and acting and plot was just... SOOOOOOO GOOD!

Earth's mightiest heroes! #proudtobeanerd

4. Dry Shampoo
Okay I'm LOVING Batiste right now! I actually had no idea what the buzz was all about with dry shampoo, I mean, instead of washing your hair, you're just spraying more chemicals onto it. Wah?! I mean it doesn't make sense right? WRONG! Dry shampoo absorbs excess oil from the scalp and leaves your hair feeling refreshed and smelling AMAZING! Basically, dry shampoo gets rid of the greasiness that us girls get in between washes. I usually wash my hair every week, cos my hair doesn't usually get oily and... I'm just lazy. So I find thay dry shampoo is AMAZING! It makes my hair feel so fresh and smell sooo good!

5. Friends
Okay okay... I'm a bit of a friends ADDICT, but I just can't help it... Most afternoons, whatever the weather you will be sure to find me on the couch, snuggling up with a blanket, eating a tub of ice cream (don't judge, it's cold but it's sunny so I crave ice cream, which make me colder... the logic...) , watching 3-5 episodes of friends. It's just toooo funny kay? 

I am honestly SOOOOOO excited for summer! I mean the weather, beaches and no school? Who wouldn't be? I'm also hoping to do a lot of posts on the weekend, and hopefully some hairstyles so be sure to check 'em out kay?Comment below your fave things from this month and the things that you're looking forward to!

Don't forget to comment and follow me on blog lovin'!

That's all folks
And may the odds be EVER in your favour!
Everspark xx

Friday, 24 April 2015

The Creative Blogger Award!!!

Okay what the actual fudge? SQUEEE! I may be over-reacting but hey, it's my very first award! A HUGE thank you to Abbie for nominating me!


  • Nominate up to 20 blogs and notify all via their social media/blogs
  • Thank and post the link of the blog that nominated you (very important)
  • Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers
  • Pass the rules on to them

Fact 1:
 I have a pet parrot, who is hella noisy but sooooo cute! He's just over 1 year old, and is a blue male quaker parrot. He's called Sky. No explanation needed. He's currently talking gibberish to try to get my attention. He loves trying to eat my laptop, and bites his nails when he's nervous or bored, so no, you're not the only one. We actually decided to get a parrot when a small wild bird crashed into our dining room window, so we took him in and looked after him. Funny how life just unexpectedly changes for the better, eh? 
Please excuse the bad photo quality.
Fact 2:
My family are a bunch of comic book nerds, and so am I! My brothers know nearly all of the superheroes, super villains, sidekicks and side characters, and so do I. My brothers have these two HUGE superhero books that have factfiles of EVERY SINGLE SUPERHERO. Our conversations during dinner are more like "Who would win in a battle, Elektra or Daredevil?" and not "how was your day today?". Once you embrace your inner nerd, it's actually quite cool!

Fact 3:
I am ADDICTED to VIDEO GAMES, specifically HALO. I LOVE GUN GAMES! What can I say, I'm just not like other girls.

Fact 4:
I have a white strip of hair in my brown hair. I've had it since birth, and although hard to style, it's actually kinda cool. It does occasionally get me unwanted attention but hey, I love it, and I'm stuck with it.

Fact 5:
I hate fizzy drinks. I know. It' bad. Don't shun me. I had never had a full glass of coke till I turned 12 and I HATED IT! It makes your nose burn and tingle and the bubbles taste spicy to me. I don't know. It's just weird. I'm sorry. Blame my parents.

I nominate:

Natalie - Nini
Ally - Uptownpeach

This has been fun! I feel like I've found my inner me, excuse my while I meditate. Thanks again to Abbie, go check out her blog!

 And may the odds be EVER in your favour!
Everspark xx

Monday, 20 April 2015

The Hunger Games Challenge Part 4

Hey guys! Wow... Has it really come to this? This is the last post in the hunger games challenge. *blows nose*. And I know its a lil late, so let's jump straight in! Here we go...

Day 22: Your favourite book of the trilogy:
I'd have to say Catching Fire... I mean, there's just so much going on, they go back in the arena, the rebellion finally begins, the ticking clock and everything, its just so exciting!

Day 23:Your favourite secondary character;
Ooooh... That's a tough one... Either Finnick, cos he's so funny and sweet, Johanna cos she's daring, bold or Haymitch cos he's always so... DRUNK?! I always considered them main characters, but apparently they're not. 

Day 24: Your least favourite secondary character:
Cato. I can't think or anyone I hate more, other than Snow, (of course). He's just so vain and evil and stupid, and thinks he's the best. 

Day 25: Your dream cast:
Okay I'm in LOVE with Jenifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson, they fit the roles of Katniss and Peeta so well, I can't think of anyone who could do a better job. I think that the cast as a whole do the books more than justice, and when I reread the books after watching each film, I simply can't imagine those characters as anyone else.
I mean, are they not perfect?

Day 26: Your favourite scene in The Hunger Games:
When Peeta and Katniss are in the cave. Even though their love is meant to be fake, it just feels so real... I can really feel the heat of that kiss. WOW... It's just so romantic, even though they're both... dying. *Sigh*. Nothing's more perfect than a first date in a cave...

Day 27: Your favourite scene in Catching Fire:
My favourite scene has to be the scene where Katniss' wears her wedding dress turns into the Mockingjay dress that Cinna designed. It's just so well animated and stuff and WOW!!! The flames and the feathers and everything... I just LOVE IT!!!
Cinna is THE BEST dress designer, no? 

Day 28: Your favourite scene in Mockingjay:
Definitely when Katniss sings Hanging tree. The river, greenery and her BEAUTIFUL VOICE just make that scene soooo... AMAZING!!! I JUST LOVE HER VOICE!!!

Day 29: Your favourite thing about the entire series:
It's just so perfect! It's always full of suspense, I could never put it down, there was ALWAYS something important happening and ugh. The Hunger Games is my life, and if I had to write what I love about the whole series, it would be a never ending essay, which I can't be bothered to do, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to read.

Day 30: A book/series that you would recommend:
Okay firstly you MUST read The Hunger Games Trilogy by Mrs Suzanne Collins. Now I'm not much of a bookworm myself, but I'm LOVING the UGLIES series by Scott Westerfeld. I'm halfway through the series (it's a 4 book series, I'm now on book 3) and it just just soooooooooo good! It's a dystopian style book that's written in the future where everyone gets an operation at the age of 16 to become pretty. It's all about a girl called Tally who runs away to find her friend who's runaway to avoid having the operation. Buy it here.

This is the LAST of the 30 day hunger games challenge, and honestly it's been sooooooo fun. For all of you that have read and of these posts, I now pass this (optional) challenge on to you. All you need to do is read the Hunger Games Trilogy if you haven't already read it and post your answers to these questions every 7 days. Pretty simple, eh? Let's hope this challenge catches on shall we?
Anyway, till next time.
And may the odds be EVER in your favour!
Everspark xx
Here is the challenge... now it's all up to you!
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